Mr.Arumugam Iayh (Guruji) is the third child of late Mr.Nallathamby Iyah and late Mrs.Nallathamby Ledchumy Amma. He was born at Karainagar, Jaffna in Sri Lanka on 17th December 1942. His Guru is Yogi Ramanathan.

Guruji is a great soul who spreads Lovingness, Calmness, Patience and Helpfulness to the whole world. Anyone who meets him well experience a glow in his face. His Vision and Mission is to improve Physical, Mental & Spritual health of all human beings and to help the Needy. He believes in "SERVICE TO MAN WITHOUT ANY EXPECTATION IS SERVICE TO GOD".

Guruji loves & makes everyone love human beings, animals and plants, saying that all have Athma. He encourges, respecting, loving & admiring Mother Nature. Guruji Always practices what he preaches. He is there at the spiritual place all 365 days before dawn to train Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and to deliver speeches on spirituality all free of charge. Hisambition is to train hundreds of Instructors to spread Yoga life through out the world. Guruji is 70 years, but he looks like a teenage boy and active like a hone bee.